
Design and Analysis of a Novel Low Actuation Voltage Capacitive RF MEMS Switches

The novel design of capacitive RF MEMS switches using torsion spring is presented and analyzed in this paper. The RF MEMS switches not only have ordinary folded suspending beams, but also add torsion springs. The simulation results show that compared with ordinary bending deflection, the torsion deflection is sensibly influenced by the ratio of the arm width (b) and the arm thickness (t), so the actuation voltage (VT) of the RF MEMS capacitive switches which have both the ordinary bending deflection and added torsion deflection will be obviously depressed. At same time, the theory analysis shows that the lower VT can be obtained with longer torsion arm length (LT), longer driven arm length (LD).By optimizing the structure design of RF MEMS switches, when LT, LD, b and t are 180 um, 120 um, 5 um and 1 um, respectively, the area actuation electrodes is 120×120um2, the actuation voltages of RF MEMS switches is 1.5V by computer simulating.

一個具有低電壓驅動的射頻開關(RF SWITCH),製作出特殊的彈簧讓結構產生扭轉模態,藉此降低驅動電壓。有包括製程圖,但是沒有實作,只有理論設計以及模擬(IntelliSuite software)。

Mingxin Son, Jinghua Yin, Xunjun H and Yue Wang, "Design and Analysis of a Novel Low Actuation Voltage Capacitive RF MEMS Switches", Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on
Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems January 6-9, 2008, Sanya, China.
